1. The definition of the term “rating” as a result of a one-year hypothetical circular macro-market is given. The principles forming its structure, the conditions for correctly summarizing the results of competitive activity are formulated: the absence of isolated microtournament, the exclusion from consideration of the results of teams with a difference in ratings over 1000 points, and others. This allows to minimize the error in summing up the results of the existing schemes of the competitions, to predict the results of the failed matches.
2. The optimal variants of the compositions of participants in micromatches in the microtournament of the personal championship of team sports are substantiated without changing the structure of the game and the corresponding formulas for recounting the results of the macro tournament, which allows the athletes constantly monitoring the level of their preparation to increase the effectiveness of the training process.
3. The rating list of players was generated and used in the training process. Combining on one chart the vectors of the rating change from the age change for the period of training of the athletes made it possible to establish the type of dependence of the rating on age. It combines the logistic functions of climbing and rating degradation, which allow predicting the results of athletes, at the optimal age (22-25 years).
4. The basic components of the game are distinguished in the structure of game sports: pass behind, positive pass, stroke, selection, riding single combats, recovery, implementation of scoring chances, tactical effect. This allowed us to establish a relationship between the corresponding ratios of won and lost martial arts and player ratings for the basic components. Selection of key exercises of the training process, the parameters of which have a linear relationship with the corresponding base rating, allows to effectively adjust the training process using both the rating itself and the rating of the base component.
5. Due to the correct determination of the volume of the sports load through the use of the physiological equivalent in various components of the game, its most effective equispametric and equidynamic distribution in the framework of the correspondingly competitive and training activities is justified.
6. A competitive basis is singled out in the process of acquiring knowledge by students, evaluating scientific creativity, which allows expanding the scope of the proposed rating system.
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