It is proposed to replace the existing form of organizing competitions from the hierarchical sequence of local microtournament (leagues, groups) to a single macro-market. However, it is impossible to conduct a classical circular tournament because of the abundance of participants and the prohibitive duration. There is a Swiss system in which participants meet with an equal number of points scored. However, in this system the results depend on the random choice of an opponent from a set of participants with an equal number of points. It is proposed to conduct a macro tour of the modified Swiss system, in which the points scored are replaced by the total balance of the goals scored and conceded and the selection of the opponent is carried out according to the rating. It is not allowed to repeat meetings of the same participants. The principle of matching pairs of participants among peers in terms of the difference between Z and P – the strongest of the remaining ones in the rating chooses the weakest. The use of the difference makes it possible to very differentiate the participants in the competition, which makes it possible to significantly increase their numbers. Using a rating based on a system of linear equations eliminates the luck factor. The general trend of the world of game sports is the globalization of the competitive process. The capacity of the formula is so great that it allows to unite all the participants from all continents in the competition.
Polozov, A.A. Rating-formula // Theory and practice of physical culture. 1996. № 1. P.58-59.